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Young Limbs Rise Again – The Story Of The Batcave Nightclub 1982 – 1985 – 80 Page 5CD Hardback Book + 2LP Album inc Signed Print – Various Artists Print from Vinyl Records London
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Limited Edition Print is Signed by the books contributors Jon Klein, Jonny Slut and Sophie Chery.London 1982. As the new romantic youthquake of 19811982 faded, and after what felt like a lifetime since punk’ s last gasp, a tiny nightclub opened its doors in London’ s Soho. Drawing to it a new generation of misfits and miscreants with a penchant for polysexual hedonism, for dressing up and showing out, The Batcave became the dark heart of alternative club culture, just like The Roxy and The Blitz before it.Art school students, expunks and psychobillys, boys and girls, gays, straights, don’ tknows and don’ tcares, Camden and Kensington Market stallholders, professional squatters, kids on the dole, kids in bands, nocturnal music journalists, edgy fashionistas, androgynous randoms and even a smattering of bona fide popstars ndashfrom Nick Cave to Siouxsie Sioux, Marc Almond, Robert Smith, Killing Joke and Sigue Sigue Sputnik. All were welcome to pile in, gawp at the hair, ripped, torn, bleached and rubberised fashions, and deathmask makeup and take in the dancefloor’ s heady musical mix of beatsheavy postpunk pioneers, outsider icons like Wayne County and The Cramps, and a teetering pile of lusty glam rock singles from the likes of T. Rex and The Sweet.The club even had its own house band, Specimen, fronted by charismatic and ghoulishly handsome frontman Olli Wisdom RIP as well as playing host to a slew of firstwave bands of what came to be known as ‘goth ‘ . And it is with Specimen’ s Jon Klein later, a Banshee, too and keyboardist Jonny Slut later founder of legendary club night Nag Nag Nag along with Sophie Chery from another stalwart Batcave band, Sexbeat, who’ ve worked with Demon in putting together this deluxe and definitive musical and visual accompaniment to a moment that sparked a global youth cult.These 90track 5CD Collection and 20track 2LP cut down are the first of their kind. They capture both the fun and freedom of The Batcave and a revolutionary moment in time. It’ s also the first to reflect the musical influences on the scene and how that scene pointed forwards. Above everything else, it’ s a fascinating evocation of what you’ d have actually heard had you stumbled into that sweaty, energetic dive between ‘ 82 and ‘ 84. With its very strong tracklisting, Young Limbs Rise Again includes music from just about everybody that mattered ndashfrom The Cureto Joy Division, from The Sisters Of Mercy to Sparks. Accompanying 6LP collections is a stunning 80page hardback book, with an introduction from Kris Needs, packed with flyers, record sleeves, over 100 photographs, many previously unseen, and the full story of the club as told by the people who were there.The Batcave’ s liberating air of anythinggoes creativity spawned, encouraged and hosted a new generation of bands while its fashion aesthetic ndashfishnets, rubber, leather, diamante, piercings, jewellery, and absolutely anything in black ndashseeped first into the wider alternative scene and then the mainstream in Britain before spreading its tentacles literally all around the world. From Sydney to Mexico City to Paris to Brazil to Berlin what came to be known as goth here in early80s London, is arguably one of the UK’ s greatest cultural exports. The goth aesthetic forged in those tiny west end dives has gone on to inform generation after generation of bands from Nine Inch Nails to Yungblud as well as walking fashion runways for Burberry, McQueen and Galiano and giving Hollywood a whole new dark palette to work with from Tim Burton’ s weird cinematic adventures to TV shows as diverse as Buffy The Vampire Slayer and American Horror Story. That thing the kids still like It all started HERE.As Specimen’ s Jonny Slut says It was a light bulb for all the freaks and people like myself who were from the sticks and wanted a bit more from life. Freaks, weirdos, sexual deviants … Theres people around wholl always be attracted by something shiny, glittering, excitinghellipIt was more Gotham City than Aleister Crowley. ‘ CD1 THE HOP A NIGHT ON THE DANCEFLOOR 11. Temple Of Love Extended VersionThe Sisters Of Mercy 7.402. Lets Go To BedThe Cure 3.343. IsolationJoy Division 2.534. Resurrection Joe Long VersionThe Cult 6.045. GarbagemanThe Cramps3.346. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang12 ‘ VersionSpecimen5.007. Pagan LovesongVibeakimboVirgin Prunes 6.498. Incubus SuccubusXmal Deutschland 4.439. The HopTheatre Of Hate 2.5710. This Is Not A Love Song 12 ‘ VersionPiL4.2911. Subterraneans Flesh For Lulu 5.112. Against The WindGetting The Fear 3.313. Club Country 12 ‘ VersionThe Associates 6.5714. Cccant You Seehellip Vicious Pink 3.3215. Misty CirclesDead Or Alive 3.3916. The Light Pours Out Of MeMagazine 3.2817. All About YouScars 5.06CD2 SLOWDIVE A NIGHT ON THE DANCEFLOOR 21. Follow The LeadersKilling Joke 5.352. SlowdiveSiouxsie and the Banshees 4.183. Release The BatsThe Birthday Party 2.354. We Love YouThe Psychedelic Furs 3.275. FodderThe March Violets 2.306. Black LeatherNightmares In Wax 5.047. Your Turn To RunMalaria 4.098. Planet ClaireThe B52s 4.339. The Back Of LoveEcho and the Bunnymen 3.1310. I Travel Extended VersionSimple Minds 6.0311. My Daddy Is A VampireThe Meteors 3.3212. Strict TempoDave Ball featuring Gavin Friday 3.4213. Collapsing New PeopleFad Gadget 4.1514. Heaven Is WaitingThe Danse Society 3.4515. NemesisShriekback3.4016. UnitedThrobbing Gristle 4.0017. SweatSexbeat3.0018. HolesSpecimen 4.0019. I Wish I Was A GirlWasted Youth 5.43CD3 ADOLESCENT SEX A NIGHT ON THE DANCEFLOOR 31 . TemptationNew Order 5.242. Soul InsideSoft Cell 4.313. Uncertain SmileThe The4.554. Ignore The MachineAlien Sex Fiend 6.475 .AliceThe Sisters Of Mercy 3.346. Copped ItThe Fall 4.157. Adolescent SexJapan 3.428. KickAdam and The Ants 2.069. QualXmal Deutschland 3.5510. Human FlyThe Cramps 2.1211. Dr MabuseFirst LifePropaganda5.0212. Metal DanceSPK 3.3913. Being BoiledThe Human League 4.2214. The Beauty Of Poisin12 ‘ MixSpecimen 4.1515. Like An AnimalThe Glove 4.4216. Punch DrunkGene Loves Jezebel 2.2317. Baby Turns BlueVirgin Prunes 3.4318. Jos So Mean To JosephineFlowerpot Men 5.0019 . Shes Fallen In Love With A Monster ManThe Revillos 3.18CD4 SEXBEAT THE BANDS WHO PLAYED1. Dead Mans AutochopSpecimen 3.572. SexbeatSexbeat3.353. R.I.P. Alien Sex Fiend 3.494. DeathwishChristian Death 2.135. SleazeMarc and the Mambas 7.226. PropagandaPlay Dead 3.157. Roman Candle 12 ‘ VersionFlesh For Lulu 10.188. Fats TerminalBone Orchard 2.459. Last Years Wife 12 ‘ VersionZero LeCrecircche4.3510. Dance With MeLords Of The New Church 3.4311. Traceys BurningAnorexic Dread 9.3312. CutsLets Wreck Mother 3.0613. RaymondTurkey Bones and The Wild Dogs 8.3314. The Gold Of Our LivesFuryo3.4815. TormentMarc and the Mambas 4.21CD5 HELL RAISER THE GLAM ROCK ROOTS1. Hell RaiserThe Sweet 3.162. Telegram Sam T Rex 3.423. ViciousLou Reed 2.554. All I Want Is YouRoxy Music 2.535. Amateur HourSparks 3.376. Jet BoyNew York Dolls 4.417. Funtime Iggy Pop 2.538. Ghost RiderSuicide 2.339. Roll Away The StoneMott The Hoople3.1110. Mr SoftCockney Rebel 3.1711. Needles In The Camels EyeBrian Eno 3.1512. Only After DarkMick Ronson3.3113. Night TimeWayne County and the Electric Chairs 3.2814. Then He Kissed MeHollywood Brats 3.1315. Cherry BombThe Runaways 2.1816. Kick Out The JamsMC5 2.4517. Im Waiting For The ManVelvet Underground 4.3718. Dance With The Devil Cozy Powell 3.3319. New York GrooveHello 2.4520. Devil Gate DriveSuzi Quatro 3.47LP1 SEXBEAT A NIGHT ON THE DANCEFLOOR1. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 12 ‘ Version ndashSpecimen 4.532. Alice ndashThe Sisters Of Mercy 3.343. Pagan Lovesong Vibeakimbo Virgin Prunes 6.494. Sexbeat Sexbeat 3.355. Release The Bats The Birthday Party 2.356. Ignore The Machine Alien Sex Fiend 6.477. Follow The Leaders Killing Joke 5.358. Human Fly ndashThe Cramps 2.129. Lets Go To Bed ndashThe Cure 3.3410. Slowdive Siouxsie and the Banshees 4.18LP2 THE HOP A NIGHT ON THE DANCEFLOOR 21. Resurrection Joe Long Version The Cult 6.042. Deathwish Christian Death 2.133. The Hop Theatre Of Hate 2.574. Soul Inside Soft Cell 4.315. I Wish I Was A Girl Wasted Youth 5.436. Roman Candle 12 ‘ Version Flesh For Lulu 10.187. Incubus Succubus II Xmal Deutschland 4.438. Propaganda Play Dead 3.159. Punch Drunk Gene Loves Jezebel 2.2310. My Daddy Is A Vampire The Meteors 3.32 Various Artists Print is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £138
Print refers to the physical reproduction of artwork, graphics, or text on merchandise like T-shirts, posters, and vinyl records. In the context of band merchandise, high-quality prints often feature album artwork, logos, or unique designs that capture the essence of a band’s identity.
Well-crafted prints not only enhance the visual appeal of the merchandise but also ensure that the design remains durable over time.
Whether it’s a bold graphic or a classic logo, printed designs on band merchandise help fans showcase their favourite artists in style.
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