The Jordan – Nowhere Near The Sky CD Album Signed-CD


Nowhere Near The Sky CD Album Signed-CD – The Jordan Signed-CD from Vinyl Records London

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Dutch singer and songwriter Caroline Van der Leeuw is back with a new name, a new sound, a new mission. Emphasising the depth and breadth of her artistic transformation, Nowhere Near The Sky produced By David Kosten Bat For Lashes, Everything Everything is The Jordanrsquos extraordinary, gamechanging debut album, a new chapter that comprehensively rewrites Carolinersquos story as former singer of Dutch pop group Caro Emerald. Gone is the jazz, the swing, the Latin rhythms, the rockabilly, the heavily stylised wardrobe. In their place total candour and unvarnished truth, vocals purer and more powerful than anything she has recorded before, triphop and folktronic textures that wrap her voice in magic and mystery, and songwriting that, after years of doubt and repressed feelings, finally pulls back the veil. The Jordan Signed-CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £10

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