Iggy Pop, Debbie Harry, Henry Rollinsthese are just a few of the punk icons who have shown supportfor Woodstock, NY based band The Bobby Lees. They make music that is punk in spirit and soulunfettered and resolutely honest. To say their sound is wild and untethered is an understatement. It039s thekind of aural exorcism any listener can tap into, something that struck a chord with Henry Rollins whobrought them to Ipecac Recordings where Mike Patton and Greg Werckman signed and are releasing the new album, Bellevue, on 7th October.I named the album Bellevue because when I listen back, I hear someone going through that stuff, who is now able to laugh about it and have fun retellingthe stories,Sam explains.Its a reminder for me that the most painful and intense things I go through end up being the most rewarding creatively.The 13song album, which was recorded live instudio, was produced by Vance Powell Jack White, Chris Stapleton, The Raconteurs. The Bobby Lees Vinyl is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £18 +P&P