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In The Absence of Light EP + Remixes Signed, Numbered, Hand Painted + Hoody – Polly Scattergood Hoody from Vinyl Records London
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ldquoThe hieroglyphics of our soul We keep on moving Time evolveshelliprdquoAn escape into the cosmos, out of this world of the grey and the shallow into deep space, light and legend. lsquoAbsence of Lightrsquo is the new EP from Polly Scattergood, a writing and production collaboration with Jim Sclavunos Nick Cave amp the Bad Seeds, Grinderman and producer Glenn Kerrigan.Releasing online on 17th August is the exuberantly upbeat 2nd single taken from the EP, lsquoSaturn 9rsquo. A pun on the word ldquosaturninerdquo mdash meaning ldquogloomy, moody or mysteriousrdquo the literal meaning is ldquoborn under the influence of the planet Saturn.rdquo lsquoSaturn 9rsquo is about emerging from the gloom of lockdown into a radiant Summer of hope. Polly Scattergood has put together a video that sees a retrocolourful, smileyfaced and Lycraclad gang of friends dancing through the streets, beat box in hand a video that is all about movement, energy, and sharing positive feelings with each other.Written during last yearrsquos lockdowns in lsquovirtualrsquo writing sessions with Jim Sclavunos Nick Cave amp the Bad Seeds Sonic Youth Grinderman and longtime collaborator Glenn Kerrigan, the EP evokes sounds from outer edges of the universe, celebrating the scientific wonder and mythological splendour of worlds and realms beyond our own. The EP characterised by a delight in sciencersquos answers to the infinite questions of space, and the ancient Roman and Greek attempts to know the unknowable and explain the inexplicable.ldquoWhilst locked down we looked up. Dreaming of faraway landscapes and spaces in the distance.rdquo explains Polly of a project that began with stargazing escapism and evolved into a study in the science and mythology of outer space. ldquoWe researched planets and solar systems, and found inspiration in a dreamlike journey. A shimmering darkness twisting around mythology and science but shrouded in a vast unknown. These journeys were then reflected upon from our more grounded space, midpandemic, trapped between four walls. All writing sessions via video link. Time delays and interference all added to the energy within this project.rdquoldquoI have known Jim for many years, and we had previously worked together in my studio in Camden.rdquo Polly recalls, ldquoWhen lockdown came in we decided to do some virtual writing sessions, the newfound time that we both had on our hands. We would get together on a video call at midday and just keep the session running until we had a song. Glenn Kerrigan, my longtime collaborator, was on hand to help us conjure up a sound from the outer edge of the universe.rdquo1. In The Absence of Light 2. Saturn 9 3. Shadows 4. Looking For A God5. Saturn 9 Lady Lloyd Remix6. Saturn 9 Tiiva Remix7. Saturn 9 Dub Science Remix8. Saturn 9 Bob Frost Remix Polly Scattergood Hoody is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £46
£3.19 (£0.01 / Count)