The Perfect Storm is a 2000 disaster drama film directed by Wolfgang Petersen. The film is an adaptation to the nonfiction book of the same name written by Sebastian Junger. It stars George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, John C. Reilly, and Diane Lane amongst others. The story follows a commercial fishing vessel that was lost at sea after being caught in The Perfect Storm of 1991. The soundtrack was composed by Academy Awardwinning composer James Horner, who is known for scoring Titanic 1997 and Avatar 2009. The score revolves around a rolling, sixnote motif to evoke the waves of the North Atlantic Ocean. The soundtrack also features the song Yours Forever , performed by John Mellencamp. The Perfect Storm is available as a limited edition of 1000 individually numbered copies on red amp black marbled vinyl and includes an insert. James Horner Vinyl is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £42 +P&P