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Rise Double Heavyweight-LP – Hollywood Vampires Heavyweight-LP from Vinyl Records London
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Products are shipping from the UK. You will recieve a digital download of the album on release day. The Hollywood Vampires ndash return with new music from their explosive second album, ldquoRise.rdquo Rock and roll royaltynbspJoe Perry,nbspHollywood superstarnbspJohnny Deppnbspand shock rock icon Alice Cooper join forces once againnbspfor the unmissable rock album of 2019.Seconds into the opening tracknbspldquoI Want My Now,rdquonbspitrsquos clear this supergroup has created something special the chemistry between the individuals is unmistakeable when they come together on stage or in the recording studio. nbspForget thenbspstarstudded lineuprsquos individual reputations, ldquoRiserdquo is some of the purest, unapologetic and most enjoyable rock and roll of the year, made by masters of the craft and true fans of the form.Unlike their 2015 debut record, the new album ldquoRiserdquo consists mainly of original material, written by the band. There are however, in the spirit of the Vampiresrsquo original mission, three covers of songs originally written and recorded by some fellow rockers who died far too young an intimate and intense version of David Bowiersquos ldquoHeroesrdquo,nbsp beautifully performed by Johnny Depp the late Jim Carroll Bandrsquos ldquoPeople Who Died,rdquo and Johnny Thunderrsquos ldquoYou Canrsquot Put Your Arms Around A Memory,rdquo sung by Joe Perry. Raucous rock anthems likenbspldquoThe Boogieman Surpriserdquonbspand ldquoWhorsquos Laughing Nowrdquo the first single from the new album, capture the natural, raw, celebratory attitude of Hollywood Vampires displayed in their rowdy shows around the world. nbspBut the album shows off their range as well with tracks like ldquoWe Gotta Riserdquo anbsptongueincheek politics song in the the tradition of AlicersquosnbspldquoElectedrdquo to the psychedelicnbspgothic epic of ldquoMr. Spider.rdquoldquo lsquoRise is not only a totally different animal than the first Vampires album, it is unique to anything Irsquove ever been a part of.nbsp I approached it very differently than I usually do when working on an album.nbsp Each of us Joe, Johnny, Tommy and myself have written songs on this album.nbsp What is different though is that I didnrsquot try to change any songs to be more Alicelike.nbsp Because each of us has different influences, the sound of this album is very cool.nbsp I think that with this album, we are establishing what the Vampiresrsquo sound really is, whereas with the first album we were more tipping our hats to our fallen rock n roll brothers.rdquo ndash Alice CooperldquoRISErdquo came from pure creative energy, which is just like playing live with the Vampires. The record showcases everyone doing what they do best without anyone looking over our shoulders. There was no pressure or deadlines, allowing us to write and record an album that is one of the freest and most honest sounding records Irsquove been part of. I canrsquot wait to perform some of these tunes live for our fans.rdquo ndash Joe PerryProduced bynbspTommy Henriksennbspand the Hollywood Vampires,nbspldquoRiserdquo will be released on June 21st, 2019nbspon earMUSIC. Hollywood Vampires Heavyweight-LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £18.99
A heavyweight LP refers to a vinyl record pressed on thicker, high-quality vinyl, typically weighing between 180 and 200 grams. This format is favoured by audiophiles due to its superior sound quality, as the thicker vinyl reduces surface noise and distortion, resulting in a cleaner, more detailed listening experience.
Heavyweight LPs not only deliver better sound but also feel more substantial and durable. The increased vinyl thickness helps preserve the integrity of the music over time, making them a preferred choice for collectors who seek enhanced audio performance. With their premium quality and attention to detail, heavyweight LPs offer an elevated listening experience that brings out the best in any record collection.
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