Grateful Dead – Two Nights In Telluride 1987 Deluxe-CD


Two Nights In Telluride 1987 Deluxe-CD – Grateful Dead Deluxe-CD from Vinyl Records London

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Music goes way back before language does. And music is like the key to a whole spiritual existence which this society doesnt even talk about. We know its there. The Grateful Dead plays at religious services essentially. We play at the religious services of the new age. Everybody gets high, and thats what its all about really. Getting high is a lot more real than listening to a politician. You can think that getting high actually did happen that you danced, and got sweaty, and carriednbspon. It really did happen. I know when it happens. I know it when it happens every time… Jerry GarciaThe complete two night stand at Town Park, Telluride, CO, 15th amp 16th August 1987. Breezy groovesome vibes throughout, coinciding with the Harmonic Convergence, the first synchronized global peace meditation, predicted by Tony Shearers Lord Of The Dawn…Oh and what a view Limited edition 4cd digipak, sourced and remastered from the original KOTO transmissions for an optimum sonic experience.nbsp Grateful Dead Deluxe-CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £20

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