Eagles – Live From The Forum MMXVIII CD/DVD


Live From The Forum MMXVIII CD/DVD – Eagles CD/DVD from Vinyl Records London

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26Song Performance Recorded at the Fabulous Forum in September 2018 Featuring First Eaglesrsquo Recordings with Vince Gill and Deacon Frey.nbspnbspThe Eagles spent the majority of 2018 on an extensive North American tour that found Don Henley, Joe Walsh, and Timothy B. Schmit, with Vince Gill and Deacon Frey. Earning rave reviews from fans and critics alike, the quintet arrived at the Forum in Los Angeles for three soldout, criticallyacclaimed concerts on September 12, 14, and 15.Filmed on 14 4K camerasLIVE FROM THE FORUM MMXVIII captures definitive live performances of the bandrsquos most iconic hits ldquoHotel California,rdquo ldquoTake It Easy,rdquo ldquoLife In The Fast Lane,rdquo ldquoDesperadordquo and beloved album tracks ldquoOlrsquo 55, ldquoThose Shoesrdquo, along with some of the individual membersrsquo biggest solo smashes Henleyrsquos ldquoBoys Of Summer,rdquo Walshrsquos ldquoRocky Mountain Way,rdquo and Gillrsquos ldquoDonrsquot Let Our Love Start Slippinrsquo Awayrdquo.nbspToday the Eagles retain an appeal that transcends both generation and genre, cementing the bandrsquos role as enduring musical icons. As the bestselling American band of the rsquo70s, and one of the topselling acts of all time, the Eagles have sold more than 150 million albums worldwide, scored six 1 albums and topped the singles charts five times. They have won six GRAMMYreg Awards, were inducted into the Rock amp Roll Hall of Fame in 1998, in their first year of eligibility, and received the Kennedy Center Honors in 2016. Eagles CD/DVD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £20