Various Artists – SAM Records Anthology- The Sound of New York City 1975- 1983 Double-Vinyl


SAM Records Anthology- The Sound of New York City 1975- 1983 Double-Vinyl – Various Artists new Double-Vinyl In Stock from Vinyl Records London

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This is the story of the one the great disco labels, a legendary label who were at the forefront of a genre during it fruition and creative peak. Sam Weiss started SAM Records in Long Island City, New York in 1976. Sam, and his brother Hy, were born in Romania before moving to the Bronx in New York City when they were young. Sam and his brother were no strangers to the music business having been in the industry since the mid50s running labels Old Town and Parody Records. During the mid1970s Disco took New York by storm and emerged into a revolutionary musical force that reshaped the face of the City. It was however a genre major labels largely ignored initially. It was the smaller, independent labels that led the way in discos early years. Founded in 1974, Salsoul was the first. Sams new label SAM Records arrived a year later, followed by West End and Prelude in 1976 four labels from which umpteen disco classics emerged. This compilation compiles all of the classic material that SAM release during the years 1975 and 1983. Offering up a treasure trove of disco essential this compilation features tracks from Garys Gang, John Davis amp The Monster Orchestra, Komiko, Rhyze, Convertion, Vicky D, Greg Henderson alongside deeper cuts by Lucy Hawkins, K.I.D and more. The audio used here has been sourced from the SAM archives and in many cases the mixes are appearing in their truest 12inch form. The set is complete with extensive liner notes by The Guardians chief music critic and disco authority Alexis Petridis.SAM Records has forever left its footprint on the Disco and music history, and this compilation is an essential addition to anyones collection. Various Artists Double-Vinyl is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £30 +P&P


Double vinyl records are a special treat for music lovers, offering an extended listening experience across two LPs. Ideal for longer albums, live recordings, or compilations, double vinyl ensures that no detail of the music is lost due to space limitations. With their spacious grooves, they often deliver superior sound quality, capturing the depth and richness of the original recording.

The larger format of a double vinyl also provides more room for creative artwork, liner notes, and extras, making it a collector’s dream. Whether it’s a classic double album or a modern reissue, double vinyl records offer an immersive experience, combining stunning visuals with the warm, analogue sound that only vinyl can deliver.

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