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The Trojan Albums Collection, 1971 to 1973 Deluxe-CD – Various Artists Deluxe-CD from Vinyl Records London
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Originally released by Trojan Records between 1971 and 1973, the four LPs that comprise this essential collection highlight a fascinating and integral period in the development of Jamaicas most celebrated record producers, Lee lsquoScratchrsquo Perry.Featuring the producerrsquos crack session crew, the Upsetters along with some of Jamaicarsquos finest vocal and DJ talent, the 53 tracks on this set demonstrate a legend in the making, as Perry embarks upon his crusade to extend reggaersquos preconceived limits.A must for all fans of the enigmatic producer and vintage reggae sounds, the 2CD set, which sees release during Perryrsquos UK tour, also includes a 16 page booklet, comprising a compelling essay on the man and his music, along with numerous fascinating images of the period. Various Artists Deluxe-CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £6.99
£14.81 £11.99