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Grieghallen 20180528 Black Double-Vinyl – Ulver new Double-Vinyl In Stock from Vinyl Records London
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House of Mythology proudly presents the official release of Ulversmonumental Grieghallen concert from the 2018 Bergen InternationalFestival.Grieghallen 20180528documents the pinnacle of Ulvers 20172018 touring cycle, following the release of their landmark albumThe Assassination of Julius Caesar. A massive explosion ofsound and light went off in Bergen that night,leaving the baffled audience floatingsomewhere between pleasure and fear.Professionally multitracked by theBright AS stage tech team, Kristoffer Rygg and Anders Mller were asked to mixthe tracksfor the 2020streaming editionof the same festival.After having circulated as a YouTube bootleg, it is now being madeofficialpartlydue to popular demand, and partly because we think of it as a magnificentcompanion piece tothe studio version ofCaesar showing Ulver at the height oftheir live game.The release comes as a gatefold DLP and CD designed by Ritxi Ostriz,with a testimonial by Audun Lindholm.This limited release is available to preorder on black andor colouredReVinyl every ReVinylrecord is one of a kind, we have no idea what colours will come your way. Ulver Double-Vinyl is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £24 +P&P
Double vinyl records are a special treat for music lovers, offering an extended listening experience across two LPs. Ideal for longer albums, live recordings, or compilations, double vinyl ensures that no detail of the music is lost due to space limitations. With their spacious grooves, they often deliver superior sound quality, capturing the depth and richness of the original recording.
The larger format of a double vinyl also provides more room for creative artwork, liner notes, and extras, making it a collector’s dream. Whether it’s a classic double album or a modern reissue, double vinyl records offer an immersive experience, combining stunning visuals with the warm, analogue sound that only vinyl can deliver.
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