Tubular Brass – Tubular Bells CD


Tubular Bells CD – Tubular Brass CD from Vinyl Records London

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There are, in the musical lives of all of us, certain special albums that we remember and listen to again and again with true fondness. These landmark recordings delineate with a startling clarity certain moments in our lives, bringing back full memories of who we were, where we were, and what we were doing.The arrangement was done over quite an extended period of time.nbsp My only reference point as far as printed source material was concerned, being a mid70s two stave piano reduction score, which I bought whilst still at school and which was at best sketchy, and at worst with a couple of sections completely missing. Each section was then built up purely by listening endlessly to all the available recorded versions and notating it by ear onto Sibelius, before joining the sections together to form complete scores for Part 1 and Part 2. Tubular Brass CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £9.99

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