Trio (Oran Kaplan, David Heredia and Youth) – Vertigo LP


Vertigo LP – Trio (Oran Kaplan, David Heredia and Youth) LP from Vinyl Records London

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Debut recording of three very different and accomplished musicians.Trio comprises of renowned flamenco fusion guitarist David Heredia a legend in Granada Andalusia former guitarist with Balkan Spanish punk legends Go Go Bordelo, Oren Kaplan and Youth, producer and bass player of Killing Joke.nbspRecording centered around Youthrsquos Space Mountain Studios in Andalusia. The genisis of the album came after the trio played a legendary 4 hour set in a local taverna whichnbsp turned into an improvised flamenco, psychedelic, free style epic set and cemented the relationship and chemistry of the trio.nbspThe band played at last years Space Mountain Festival and wersquore honoured to be joined in stage with Penny Rimbauld and Eve Libertine from Crass, the legendary anarcho post punk band. Trio (Oran Kaplan, David Heredia and Youth) LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £20


An LP, or long-playing vinyl record, is a classic format cherished by music enthusiasts for its warm, authentic sound. Typically featuring up to 45 minutes of music split between two sides, LPs are the perfect way to enjoy full albums as the artist intended. Their larger format also allows for striking album artwork, making them as much a visual delight as an auditory one.

LPs have become symbols of a deeper connection to music, offering a tactile and immersive experience. From the ritual of placing the needle to the soft crackle as the music begins, playing an LP is a nostalgic journey that transcends digital convenience. Whether you’re collecting vintage classics or exploring modern releases, LPs remain an iconic choice for any music lover.

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