Tori Amos – Live At Montreux 1991/1992 2CD+Blu-Ray Digipak CD/Blu-ray


Live At Montreux 1991/1992 2CD+Blu-Ray Digipak CD/Blu-ray – Tori Amos CD/Blu-ray from Vinyl Records London

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Recorded just one year apart, ldquoLive At Montreux 19911992rdquo captures two performances by Tori Amos right at the start of her solo career, in July 1991 and 1992, at the famous Montreux Jazz Festival. These two concert recordings are the perfect vignette of her career, featuring a barely known singersongwriter on the first performance as well as Tori Amos on the brink of her breakthrough, a few months after the release of her massively successful debut album ldquoLittle Earthquakes.ldquoLive At Montreux 19911992rdquo brilliantly showcases the clear progression from one year to the next as Tori Amos grew in confidence and refined her musical craftsmanship at the second concert, not to forget that she also gave a wonderful performance in 1991, showcasing her unique charm. The tracklist of this 2CDBD Digipak Edition focuses on ldquoLittle Earthquakesrdquo and features all the albumrsquos hits such as ldquoLittle Earthquakesrdquo and ldquoCrucifyrdquo, however it also features rare songs from Tori Amosrsquo early EPs, including her distinctive takes on Led Zeppelinrsquos ldquoWhole Lotta Loverdquo and ldquoThank Yourdquo and Nirvanarsquos ldquoSmells Like Teen Spiritrdquo. Tori Amos CD/Blu-ray is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £16.99
