Tonight Alive – Limitless CD CD


Limitless CD CD – Tonight Alive CD from Vinyl Records London

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Signed limited edition DELUXE PACKAGING only available through preorderlsquoLimitlessrsquo is the follow up to Tonight Aliversquos 2013 album, lsquoThe Other Sidersquo. The album was recorded and mixed at The House Of Loud in New Jersey and produced by David Bendeth. ldquoLimitless is a record that is just as much about redefining boundaries as it is about challenging the illusory concept of boundaries itself. Our mission in both the song writing and recording process was to dissolve all restriction and repression of the mental, physical and spiritual and grant ourselves an opportunity to be expressive at our highest capacity. Following an emotional reaction to our 2nd record The Other Side and the healing of its touring cycle, we found the clarity to explore a newfound, centred version of ourselves where creating something meaningful and everlasting was of the highest importance. We tore away every formula, structure and safety net we knew to embrace a complete unlearning and evolution. This record shares our journey of harnessing personal power and acts as the long awaited answer to the questions of our previous records.rdquo Jenna McDougall, Tonight Alive Tonight Alive CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £10.99

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