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Love & Light CD + Cyan Vinyl + Cassette – Tom Speight New In Stock from Vinyl Records London
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The record is both a wonderful evolution in Toms songwriting, and perhaps his most personal, heartfelt work so far. Inspired by pivotal moments, the album examines everything from family strife to heartbreak and abandonment, and exhibits some of the most confident, refined songwriting of his career. Set against lush soundscapes of beautifully textured guitars, agile strings and bright piano notes, these songs delve into the wonders of New love reach out to a beloved sister celebrate a close friends good News. Ive touched on things in this record that Ive never spoken about before, he says. Its without doubt my most personal to date.Title track Love amp Light is dedicated to Speights older sister, Cathy. Like Tomorrow, it reaches out to a loved one with an emotional acuity that is startling for its candour. My sister was the one who gave me my first guitar, he explains. She used to pick me up from school… sometimes shed forget and be a bit late, but I didnt mind. The song like the album is full of unconditional love, powerful enough that it stays with you long after the final note.TracksTrick of the Light Wonderful Wonder The One Let Go If This Is How The Story Ends Love amp Light Beautiful Feeling Tomorrow Aftermath Escape Tears Simple Things Tom Speight is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £36 +P&P
A cassette tape is a nostalgic format that continues to hold a special place in music culture. Known for its warm, analogue sound and compact design, cassettes offer a unique listening experience that many audiophiles cherish. Their physical nature and simple playback process—complete with the iconic “tape hiss”—add a layer of authenticity that digital formats can’t replicate.
Cassette tapes also evoke a sense of nostalgia, bringing back memories of mixtapes, car rides, and the early days of music discovery. Collecting cassettes allows music enthusiasts to connect with the past while embracing the charm of a format that was once central to the music industry. Whether you’re seeking vintage classics or exploring modern releases on tape, cassettes remain a beloved part of music history.
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