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Remixes Black-Vinyl Double Heavyweight-Vinyl – The Stone Roses Heavyweight-Vinyl from Vinyl Records London
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The Remixes is a compilation album by The Stone Roses, which features remixes by various producers including Utah Saints and Paul Oakenfold. Various techno luminaries ply their skills reworking some of those early classic songs, and it is immediately clear that the Roses, even beyond the genius of their songs, were a preeminent dance band.The Remixes on black vinyl includes an insert.bull 180 GRAM AUDIOPHILE VINYLbull GATEFOLD SLEEVEbull INSERTbull 2LP SET FEATURING REMIXES OF THEIR CLASSIC HITS ldquoFOOLS GOLDrdquo, ldquoELEPHANT STONErdquo, ldquoONE LOVErdquo, ldquoSHE BANGS THE DRUMSrdquo amp MOREbull REMIXED BY A GUY CALLED GERALD, PAUL OAKENFOLD, JUSTIN ROBERTSON, UTAH SAINTS, GROOVERIDER amp OTHERSbull BLACK VINYL The Stone Roses Heavyweight-Vinyl is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £26