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Rooms LP – The Silver Field LP from Vinyl Records London
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nbspTHE SILVER FIELD, aka Coral Rose,nbsphas announced details of her debut album,nbspRooms, out on TimnbspBurgessrsquo O Genesis Recordings.nbspRoomsnbspwas recorded in Coral Rosersquosnbspbedroom and on the album instruments such as thenbspdouble bass, cello, guitar,nbspmandolin, harmonium and anbspbagpipe chanter form loops and layers, her fatherrsquos oldnbspSPX90 drenching the rich sounds in delays and reverbs.nbspRoomsnbspis the perfect introduction to the sound world of Coral Rose and friends the EVI electronic valve instrument, anbspbreath controlled analogue synthnbspis introduced on the opening track,nbsplsquoAfirersquo, via Cathy Lucas Vanishing Twin, and Kiran Bhatt Red River Dialect drums onnbsplsquoRainrsquo. lsquoRainrsquo, described bynbspThe Quietusnbspasnbspldquoa delicate and pleasing creaturerdquonbspearliernbspthis year, has already had support from BBC 6Musicrsquos Mary Ann Hobbs.nbspRoomsnbspfollows recent releases on O Genesis by DanielnbspOrsquoSullivan VELDnbspand Richard Youngs Belief, and like OrsquoSullivan and Youngs,nbspwhose albums are verynbspmuch tied to a place ndash the home, whether through themesnbspor creation ndash in this case, The Silver FieldrsquosnbspRoomsnbspis focused onnbspleaving a home behind, both physically andnbspemotionally.nbspThe home that Coral Rose feelsnbspshes leaving behind onnbspRoomsnbspis an old sense of self ndash encountering herself as an adult and more specifically, a human being. She explains,nbspldquoThis plays outnbspthrough the metaphor of leaving a house behind ndash a house of the stuff thatnbspbuilds up around you as you grow up ndashnbspleaving that behind to make your own decisions about how to live. The last track,nbsplsquoRoomsrsquo, is just a little snippet but to me itrsquos a moment of looking back, seeing it all in a new light with anbspdifferent perspective from outside, seeingnbspall the feelings and meanings that were once so allencompassing as somethingnbspdifferent ndash as just part of the landscape.rdquonbspThis kind of liberation often comes with a sense of loss and this is feltnbspkeenly onnbsplsquoRosebudrsquo,nbspa collaged piece,nbspwhich shenbspexplainsnbspldquois like a moment of everything falling apart ornbspburning down, those screechesnbspto me sound like beams breakingrdquo. Elsewhere on the album, Coral Rosersquosnbspimagery depicts a dreamlike world, the album takesnbspinspiration from bothnbspRosersquos own dreams, and the underwater landscape of waking dreams.nbspThe artwork, created by Coral Rose, showsnbspthe artistrsquos connection with the landscape around her and on the cover, anbspparticular home that she inhabited. Painted in NorthnbspWales, the front covernbsppainting shows the artistrsquos view through a window, looking outwards to the rainnbspand light while the inside sleeve artworks are polaroid photographs ndash multiplenbspexposures of the setting sun through clouds.nbspAnalogue processes flow throughout the album ndash several tracks on the album have a tape loop forming the spine of the song, and, explains Coral Rose,nbspldquothenbspunpredictability of using anbsploop of tape rather than dragging something about on screen means sometimesnbspsomething some little part of it becomes this perfect loop that Inbspnever wouldnbsphave heard if I was trying to compose something from the recordings myself.rdquonbspThenbspreeltoreel player was found at a car boot salenbspldquothe guynbspgave it me for pound1 ndash it was the last change I had on me ndash because I got talking to himnbspabout Daphne Oram. It wasnrsquot in great shape and I kind of nursed it back tonbsplife. It had extranbspcharacter because of that though, I think, a lot of thenbspsongs on the album arenrsquot in concert pitch because it tended to speed things upnbspor slow things down, and oftennbspadded strange sounds into the mix like the bassnbspwobble in lsquoGostrsquo.rdquo The Silver Field LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £18.99
An LP, or long-playing vinyl record, is a classic format cherished by music enthusiasts for its warm, authentic sound. Typically featuring up to 45 minutes of music split between two sides, LPs are the perfect way to enjoy full albums as the artist intended. Their larger format also allows for striking album artwork, making them as much a visual delight as an auditory one.
LPs have become symbols of a deeper connection to music, offering a tactile and immersive experience. From the ritual of placing the needle to the soft crackle as the music begins, playing an LP is a nostalgic journey that transcends digital convenience. Whether you’re collecting vintage classics or exploring modern releases, LPs remain an iconic choice for any music lover.
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