The Lancashire Hotpots – A Hard Days Pint/Criminal Record Signed-CD


A Hard Days Pint/Criminal Record Signed-CD – The Lancashire Hotpots Signed-CD from Vinyl Records London

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Therersquos only one thing better than a Lancashire Hotpots album, and thatrsquos TWO Lancashire Hotpots albums. nbspWersquove repressed two classic Hotpots albums Criminal Record and A Hard Days Pint, stuck lsquoem on one CD and passed the savings onto you. nbspEach copy is personally signed by all five Hotpotsnbspwowsers and at just pound5 you canrsquot afford to miss out on this slice of Hotpot history. Get one now. nbspIn fact, get two. The Lancashire Hotpots Signed-CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £5
