The Big Moon – Walking Like We Do Black Heavyweight-LP


Walking Like We Do Black Heavyweight-LP – The Big Moon Heavyweight-LP from Vinyl Records London

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Includes Download Card.The British gang arrived like a breath of fresh air with their Mercury Prize nominated debut album lsquoLove In The 4th Dimensionrsquo back in April 2017. Fronted by Juliette Jackson, The Big Moon unleashed song after song fizzing with melody and charm.The forthcoming second album, Walking Like We Do, was recorded in Atlanta alongside Grammy Award winning US Producer Ben H. Allen III M.I.A.DeerhunterBombay Bicycle Club.The band are Juliette Jackson, Soph Nathan, Celia Archer and Fern Ford. The Big Moon Heavyweight-LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £20

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