Teenage Fanclub – Endless Arcade Translucent Green LP


Endless Arcade Translucent Green LP – Teenage Fanclub LP from Vinyl Records London

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Even if we werent living through extraordinarily troubling times, there is nothing quite like a Teenage Fanclub album to assuage the mind, body and soul, and to reaffirm that all is not lost in this world. Endless Arcade follows the bands ninth album Here, released in 2016 to universal acclaim, and notably their first Top 10 album since 1997, a mark of how much theyre treasured. The new record is quintessential TFC melodies are equal parts heartwarming and heartaching guitars chime and distort keyboard lines mesh and spiral harmonycoated choruses burst out like sun on a stormy day. Teenage Fanclub LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £15

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