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House Of Flying Daggers Green Heavyweight-Vinyl – Shigeru Umebayashi Heavyweight-Vinyl from Vinyl Records London
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House of Flying Daggersnbspis a multiple Satellite, LA Film Critcs amp Boston Film Critics award winning 2004 wuxia romance film directed by Zhang Yimou and starring Andy Lau, Zhang Ziyi and Takeshi Kaneshiro. Unlike other wuxia films, it is more of a love story than purely a martial arts film. The film features the theme of a beautiful woman who brings woe to two men. The soundtrack is produced and created by legendary Japanese composer Shigeru Umebayashi and features vocals by Zhang Ziyi and Kathleen Battle. Shigeru Umebayashi is perhaps best known for ldquoYumejirsquos Themerdquo originally from Seijun Suzukirsquos Yumeji, included in director Wong Karwairsquos In the Mood for Love. In celebration of Umebayashirsquos 70th birthday on February 19, 2021, the House of Flying Daggers soundtrack is released on vinyl for the first time. It is pressed on green marbled vinyl as a limited edition of 2000 copies. The packages comes with an exclusive replica of the movie poster and a 4page booklet.nbspbull 180 GRAM AUDIOPHILE VINYLbull PVC PROTECTIVE SLEEVEbull HEAVYWEIGHT 3MM SLEEVE WITH EMBOSSING ON THE FRONT COVERbull INCLUDES 4PAGE INSERT WITH MOVIE PICTURES AND EXCLUSIVE MOVIE POSTERbull SCORE BY THE LEGENDARY JAPANESE COMPOSER SHIGERU UMEBAYASHI WHO IS CELEBRATING HIS 70TH BIRTHDAY ON FEBRUARY 19TH 2021bull SONGS BY KATHLEEN BATTLE AND ZHANG ZIYIbull AVAILABLE ON VINYL FOR THE FIRST TIMEbull LIMITED EDITION OF 2000 INDIVIDUALLY NUMBERED COPIES ON GREEN MARBLED VINYL Shigeru Umebayashi Heavyweight-Vinyl is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £26
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