Rotten Hill Gang – Teach Peace Gold LP


Teach Peace Gold LP – Rotten Hill Gang LP from Vinyl Records London

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Limited to 500itsnbspRap and Roll, 2nd Generation.1st generation was Run DMC, Beastie Boys,LLnbspCool J.Anbspmash upnbspof styles all under one album..nbspnbspTrying to explain the immoral wrongs of the world within the world we come from…nbspRe educatingnbspournbspselfsnbspand saying what we believe in our songs..nbspHence Teach Peace. Education, housing, healthcare, food banks, racism, corporate greed, tax evasion, climate change, child abuse and religion all need to be addressed properly. Not swept under the carpet to be covered up by the next scandal..nbspWe need moral leaders who are strong and willing to die fornbsptheyrenbspbeliefs..nbspNot selling their people down the river to the highest bidder… We all need to be speaking our minds about whats going on… Peace is the only way for everyone… Peace can be just as prosperous as war.. Even for the corporations..therersquos nothing wrong with making money. Itrsquos what you do with it that counts..nbspIt just takes a little bit of time and thought. But greed leads to the inequality of more than 80 of our world..nbspWe need to help people become aware of this..nbspIts not where were from, its where were at Rotten Hill Gang LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £19.99

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