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A Momentary Lapse Of Reason Remixed & Updated 1CD/1Blu-Ray + 2LP – Pink Floyd 2LP from Vinyl Records London
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Remixed and updated from the original 1987 master tapes for lsquoThe Later Yearsrsquo by Andy Jackson with David Gilmour, assisted by Damon Iddins, the album will be available on Vinyl, CD, DVD, Bluray and digitally with Stereo and 5.1 mixes. IThe release of lsquoThe Later Yearsrsquo project in 2019 gave an opportunity for a fresh overview of thenbsplsquoA Momentary Lapse Of Reasonrsquonbspalbum,nbsporiginally released in 1987.nbsp By returning to some of Richard Wrights original keyboard takes, and by rerecording new drum tracks with Nick Mason, producers David Gilmour and Bob Ezrin have restored a better creative balance between the three Pink Floyd members.The album also showcases new and updated artwork with a previously unused image from the original photo shoot featuring the iconic beds on the beach. Pink Floyd 2LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £78
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