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McCartney III Vinyl + CD – Paul McCartney CD from Vinyl Records London
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Like previous instalmentsnbspMcCartneynbsp1970 andnbspMcCartneynbspIInbsp1980, Paul has written, performed, and produced the entire album himself.nbsp50 years following the release of his selftitled first solo albumnbspMcCartney, featuring Paul playing every instrument and writing and recording every song,nbspPaul McCartney will releasenbspMcCartney IIInbspon December 11th.nbspPaul hadnrsquot planned to release an album in 2020, but in the isolation of Rockdown, he soon found himself fleshing out some existing musical sketches and creating even more new ones.nbspBefore long an eclectic collectionnbspof spontaneous songsnbspwould becomenbspMcCartney IIInbspa strippedback, selfproduced and, quite literally, solo work marking the opening of a new decade, in the tradition of 1970rsquosnbspMcCartneynbspand 1980rsquosnbspMcCartney II. Recorded earlier this year in Sussex UK,nbspMcCartney IIInbspis mostly built from live takes of Paul on vocals and guitar or piano, overdubbing his bass playing, drumming, etc. atop that foundation.nbspMcCartney IIInbspspans a vast and intimate range of modes and moods, from soulsearchingnbspto wistful, fromnbspplayful to raucousnbspand all points between mdash capturednbspwith some ofnbspthe same gear from Paulrsquos Rude Studio used as far back as 1971 Wings sessions.nbspAnd Pauls array ofnbspvintage instruments he played on the new album have an even more storied history, including Bill Black of Elvis Presleys original trios double bass alongside Pauls ownnbspiconic Hofner violin bass, and a mellotron from Abbey Road Studios used on Beatles recordings,nbspto name but a few.nbspJust asnbspMcCartneyrsquosnbsp1970 release marked Paulrsquos return to basics in the wake of the biggest band breakup in musical history, and the 1980 avantgardenbspmasterpiecenbspMcCartney IInbsprose from the ashes of Wings,nbspMcCartney IIInbspfinds Paul back on his own,nbspturning unexpected circumstances into a personal snapshot of a timeless artist at a unique point in history. Paul McCartney CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £44
A CD, or compact disc, is a versatile format that delivers high-quality digital sound in a compact and durable design. Known for its clarity and studio-quality audio, the CD has been a cornerstone of music collections for decades. Its robust nature makes it an excellent option for preserving your favourite albums or exploring new genres in pristine sound quality.
Perfect for collectors and audiophiles alike, CDs offer a tangible connection to music in an era dominated by streaming. They combine portability with a sense of permanence, allowing you to enjoy your favourite tracks without relying on an internet connection. Whether expanding your music library or rediscovering classic albums, the compact disc remains a timeless choice.
£13.54 £12.99
£22.50 £16.72
£75.00 £41.15