Mike Campbell – Lockdown Bandana


Lockdown Bandana – Mike Campbell Bandana from Vinyl Records London

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Hi everyone,Since wersquore all keeping away from each other, I have been doing what I always do when I am home writing and recording.I came up with ldquoLockdownrdquo for fun. Everyone around me including my wife Marcie, who helped with the recording and shot the video footage loved the song, so Irsquom putting it out for people to enjoy and to raise some money for Feed America. It feels good to do something positive to help in this time of crisis.So we hope this gives you a smile and takes your mind off the dark times for a few minutes.If you buy a bandana plus download the song for pound16 20 or more yoursquoll be contributing to Feed America, and you can cover your face.Either way, enjoy the music. Itrsquos a proper rockerThanks to Martin Pradler, Ryan Browne, Laurence Freedman and everyone who helped. Including the Dirty Knobs who are here in spiritWith love and hope,Mike Campbell Note Bandana will ship approx May 26th 2020, the download of Lockdown is available immediately upon purchase Mike Campbell Bandana is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £16