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Live In Atlantic City Blu-ray – Lynyrd Skynyrd Blu-ray from Vinyl Records London
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LYNYRD SKYNYRD TO RELEASE BRAND NEW LIVE ALBUM ldquoLIVE IN ATLANTIC CITYrdquo FEATURING GUEST APPEARANCES BY 3 DOORS DOWN, HANK WILLIAMS JR. AND BO BICE.There is no other true American rock band quite like Lynyrd Skynyrd. The iconic Rock amp Roll Hall of Fame inductees are one of the most influential rock and roll legends of our time. ldquoLive In Atlantic Cityrdquo, the bandrsquos brand new live release, pays tribute to and celebrates the bandrsquos legacy with the help of three incredible artists.In the Decades Rock Arena in Atlantic City, Lynyrd Skynyrd was joined by incredibly talented guest performers to create one uniquely magical night 3 Doors Down who rose to international fame with their first single ldquoKryptoniterdquo, Hank Williams Jr. yes, the son of the country music singer Hank Williams and the American singer and songwriter Bo Bice who was a runner up against Carrie Underwood in the 4th season of ldquoAmerican Idolrdquo.Newly mixed and mastered, ldquoLive In Atlantic Cityrdquo celebrates the legend that is Lynyrd Skynyrd in an energetic 70min show. Each guest artists performs with Lynyrd Skynyrd, thereof 3 Doors Downrsquos hit ldquoKryptoniterdquo and Bo Bicersquos ldquoThe Real Thingrdquo, the title track to the same titled album the US billboard 4 chart success, with the show peaking in a performance of the Lynyrd Skynyrd originals ldquoCall Me The Breezerdquo and of course ldquoSweet Home Alabamardquo ndash performed by Lynyrd Skynyrd together with all special guests. Lynyrd Skynyrd Blu-ray is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £13.99
£12.61 £11.98