Killing Joke – In Dub Rewind Vol Two Neon Yellow Double-Vinyl


In Dub Rewind Vol Two Neon Yellow Double-Vinyl – Killing Joke new Double-Vinyl In Stock from Vinyl Records London

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From their earliest days on the streets of Ladbroke Grove in London, Killing Joke were heavily influenced by the heavy sounds and rhythms of the Dub scene. This 10 track second volume features killer Dub versions and mixes of some of the bands most famous tracks. From the producer These days Im listening mainly to Ambient, film soundtracks, Free Jazz and Dub. What all these sub genres share is a lot of space and abstraction within the music. Creating new music from reassembling old music is nothing new and is something great artists have been doing for millennium. From Keith Richards to King Tubby, from Bach to Sleaford Mods, from The Beatles to The Bug. There is continuity and legacy within the madness. The bass takes over as lead instrument, the subsonic throb vibrates your very bones, realigning and calibrating your physical body into harmony with the cosmos. Melodies are replaced with teased cuts and vague suggestions and vibes. The drums and percussion are drenched in delay and reverb, creating three dimensional pararhythms and holographic counterpoints that fractalize your minds perception into a million shards, each a parallel universe, simultaneously stimulating your pleasure cortex. Guitars and Keyboards cut through the midrange. Mangled, phased and dubbed into oblivion. Theres subversive philosophy behind dub too. Its irreverent, arrogant and self serving, each cut is a little pirate ship, floating across the corporate oceans, plundering and reappropriating the wild uncontrollable, unstoppable urge to create and slay sacred cows upon the alter of the church of Now. Dub and trance can certainly assist and alchemise our minds into a more cosmic harmonious state of being. What fun its been to curate and remix these dub plates and see them fly out of the bass bins like rusty industrial, robot butterflies, onto an unsuspecting crowd of dancers. There always comes a point where the message within the song becomes revealed in an entirely different way and context, and that allows me the great pleasure to hear it all again for the first time. Crank these mixes up loud physically at volume… Close your eyes and let the bass shake your bones. Let the rhythm make you beg for surrender. Alternatively load up your cans, close your eyes and turn on your inner third eye, for an incredible visual and psychedelic experience. Turn up the bass for a full on inner cosmic deep immersion into the primeval swamp of our DNA. Reset… buckle up and blast off Its virtual DMT for the imagination, We have all grown up in a multicultural collage of influences. Dub and remix culture has been there for us since we were teenagers and our very first single in 1979… LONG MAY IT CONTINUE… HONOUR THE FIRE Youth, from the liner notes. Killing Joke Double-Vinyl is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £39 +P&P

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