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Fool CD – Joe Jackson CD from Vinyl Records London
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Following the 2015 release of the critically acclaimed ldquoFast Forwardrdquo, legendary songwriter Joe Jackson has announced the release of his new studio album ldquoFoolrdquo. The record, which is the 20th studio album of Jacksonrsquos career, was the fulfilment of a careerlong dream to finish a tour and head straight into the studio with the band firing on all cylinders. So, on July 29th, Joe wrapped up his 2018 summer tour at The Eqyptian Theater in Boise, Idaho ndash and the following day set up shop at Tonic Room Studios in town.When asked to reflect on the recording Jackson had this to offerldquoWhen it looked like Id be recording in late July and mixing around my birthday, in August, it struck me that the only other occasion that had happened was while making my first album. It still took a while for it to sink in this would be 40 years onhellip The road to this album is littered with the wrecks of songs and halfsongs that didnt make the grade. There are eight survivors, which I think is enough. How significant the resurgence of vinyl is, Im not sure, but I did think of this as an album, with two complementary sides of about 20 minutes eachhellipI never have an overall theme in mind when I start trying to write songs for an album, but sometimes one will develop. In this case its Comedy and Tragedy, and the way theyre intertwined in all our lives. The songs are about fear and anger and alienation and loss, but also about the things that still make life worth living friendship, laughter, and music, or art, itself. I couldnt have done this in 1979. I just hadnt lived enough.rdquoThe album was coproduced by Jackson and producer Pat Dillett David Byrne, Sufjan Stevens, Glen Hansard, etc.nbsp The band in question was the same group that Jackson has played live with ever since the release of ldquoFast Forwardrdquo Teddy Kumpel on guitar, Doug Yowell on drums, and longtime collaborator Graham Maby on bass Maby was on that first recording session 40 years ago as well. The Fast Forward Tour took on a life of its own and enjoyed several encores over the last 3 years ndash with the band ultimately playing 103 shows together during that time span.Starting February 2019, Jackson and the band will embark on a new world tour, playing shows throughout the US and Europe. Joe Jackson CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £13.99
A CD, or compact disc, is a versatile format that delivers high-quality digital sound in a compact and durable design. Known for its clarity and studio-quality audio, the CD has been a cornerstone of music collections for decades. Its robust nature makes it an excellent option for preserving your favourite albums or exploring new genres in pristine sound quality.
Perfect for collectors and audiophiles alike, CDs offer a tangible connection to music in an era dominated by streaming. They combine portability with a sense of permanence, allowing you to enjoy your favourite tracks without relying on an internet connection. Whether expanding your music library or rediscovering classic albums, the compact disc remains a timeless choice.