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Miss Italia Red-Vinyl – Jack Savoretti new Red-Vinyl In Stock from Vinyl Records London
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First Ever ItalianSpeaking AlbumIncludes Collaborations with Natalie Imbruglia,Zucchero, Miles Kane, Carla Morrison, Delilah Montagu amp moreJack Savorettihas reconnected with his roots and produced the simply stunning, new, firsteverallItalianspeaking album Miss Italia.The album came at an important moment in Jacks life, as his Italian father had recently passed away. JackexplainsMy father was the anchor that tied me to Italy, the connection to my roots that I felt I was at risk of losing without him. So I went back to school. I didn039t want to imitate Italian music, I wanted to make it my own, combining everything I had learned over almost 20 years of experience from working in America, England, and Italy, merging AngloSaxon singersongwriting with Italian to create something unique. I first had to learn to write in Italian before making MY album in Italian.34Included on the album are special collaborations with the likes ofNatalie Imbruglia,Miles Kane,Carla Morrison,Delilah Montaguamp Italian superstarZuccheroon the renowned track Senza una Donna Without A WomanJacks reputation as a singersongwriter is perfectly epitomised by the kinds of collaborators he attracts, previously including cultural icons the likes ofBob Dylan, Kylie Minogue, Shania Twain, Sophie EllisBextorandNile Rodgersamong many others. However, and albeit being bilingual from birth, writing in Italian was uncharted territory for an artistwho has been making and sold millions of albums for over sixteen years, releasing seven over this period, two of which have reached 1 in the UK album charts Singing To Strangersin 2019 and his most recent release,Europiana,in 2021.ForMiss ItaliaJack went on a journey that saw him hone his craft even further and in a completely different language. Hesourced a whos who from the contemporarysongwriting scene in Italy. A group of fellow craftsmen and women who he could collaborate with and learn from. In doing so, he didnt make an album in Italian, he made the newJack Savorettirecord which happens to be in Italian, and a perfect tribute to his late father.The beautiful results areMiss Italia an album that sounds every bit Jack Savoretti whilst also being a first. Jack Savoretti Red-Vinyl is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £25 +P&P
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