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Hit Me! The Best Of 3CD-White Double-Vinyl – Ian Dury new Double-Vinyl In Stock from Vinyl Records London
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A brand new collection covering the entire career of the unique and incomparable Ian Dury.This collection features some of Durys earliest work with Kilburn amp The High Roads, through a golden period of solo hits and classic recordings with the infamous Blockheads to his final studio album released in 2002, two years after his untimely passing in 2000.The Crown Prince of Essexhellipthe punk poet laureatehellipIan Durys mastery of the English language and powerful performance made him an artist like no other. His wit, wisdom and showmanship are ever present here on classic tracks such as Reasons To Be Cheerful, Pt 3, Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick, Sex amp Drugs amp Rock amp Roll hellipall now unofficial British anthemsThe collection also feature brand new liner notes by comedian, writer and Ians friend, PhillJupitus, alongside rare and unseen photographs.CD TracklistingCD ONE1. Sex amp Drugs amp Rock amp Roll2. Wake Up and Make Love With Me3. Sweet Gene Vincent4. Clevor Trever5. Billericay Dickie6. My Old Man7. Im Partial To Your Abracadabra8. Plaistow Patricia9. Blockheads10. Pams Moods11. If I Was With A Woman12. Upminster Kid13. Billy Bentley Promenades Himself In London14. Rough Kids15. The Mumble Rumble and the Cocktail Rock16. The Roadette Song17. Crippled With Nerves18. Blackmail ManCD TWO1. Reasons To Be Cheerful, Pt. 3 12 Version2. Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick3. What A Waste4. Inbetweenies5. I Want To Be Straight6. This Is What We Find7. There Aint Half Been Some Clever Bastards8. Waiting For Your Taxi9. Razzle In My Pocket10. Youre More Than Fair11. Quiet12. Common As Muck13. Dance Of The Screamers14. Dont Ask Me15. Mischief16. Lullaby For FranciesCD THREE1. Mash It Up Harry2. Dance Little Rude Boy3. Suepermans Big Sister4. Spasticus Autisticus Live5. Youll See Glimpses6. Fcking Ada7. Hey, Hey Take Me Away8. Dance Of The Crackpots9. Bed ORoses No.910. ODonegal11. Itinerant Child12. Geraldine13. Jack Sht George14. I Believe15. One Love16. Englands Glory DemoVinyl TracklistingDisc 1Reasons to Be Cheerful Part 3Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick I Want to Be StraightBillericay DickieIm Partial To Your AbracadabraWhat A WasteInbetweeniesSuepermans Big SisterThere Aint Been Some Clever BastardsMy Old ManDisc 2Sex amp Drugs amp Rock amp RollWake Up and Make Love with MeSweet Gene VincentClevor TrevorThis Is What We FindMash It Up HarryDance Little Rude BoyRough KidsUpminster KidBlockheads Ian Dury Double-Vinyl is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £34 +P&P
Double vinyl records are a special treat for music lovers, offering an extended listening experience across two LPs. Ideal for longer albums, live recordings, or compilations, double vinyl ensures that no detail of the music is lost due to space limitations. With their spacious grooves, they often deliver superior sound quality, capturing the depth and richness of the original recording.
The larger format of a double vinyl also provides more room for creative artwork, liner notes, and extras, making it a collector’s dream. Whether it’s a classic double album or a modern reissue, double vinyl records offer an immersive experience, combining stunning visuals with the warm, analogue sound that only vinyl can deliver.
£35.53 £33.04