Hayley Williams – Petals For Armor CD + Vinyl


Petals For Armor CD + Vinyl – Hayley Williams Vinyl from Vinyl Records London

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ldquoPetals For Armorrdquo is the debut solo album from GRAMMYreg Awardwinning artist Hayley Williams.The first single from the album, ldquoSimmerrdquo, marked Hayley Williamsrsquo first new music release since Paramorersquos charttopping 2017 album, ldquoAFTER LAUGHTER.rdquo Long regarded as an exhilarating live act, Paramore has spent much of the past decadeplus on the road, including countless sold out world tours and showstealing festival sets around the globe.ldquoIrsquom so ready and so incredibly humbled to get to share this project,rdquo says Williams. ldquoMaking it was a scary, empowering experience. Some of my proudest moments as a lyricist happened while writing lsquoPETALS FOR ARMOR.rsquo And I was able to get my hands a little dirtier than usual when it came to instrumentation. Irsquom in a band with my favorite musicians so I never really feel the need to step into a role as a player when it comes to Paramore records. This project, however, benefited from a little bit of musical naiumlveteacute and rawness and so I experimented quite a bit more. I made this with some of the closest people to me. Their respective talents really shine bright throughout the record. I like to think we all make each other better and the result is something that sounds and FEELS exactly as Irsquod hoped it would. Now that itrsquos time to put it all out there, I can finally exhale. Irsquom excited to let people in to experience a different side of myself that Irsquove only very recently become familiar with.rdquo Hayley Williams Vinyl is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £35


Vinyl records are a timeless format that continues to captivate music lovers with their warm, analogue sound. Unlike digital formats, vinyl offers a rich, textured listening experience that many argue feels more authentic and immersive. With their larger artwork and tangible presence, records bring a sense of nostalgia and artistry to any music collection.

Whether you’re a seasoned collector or new to the world of vinyl, records have a unique ability to connect listeners to music on a deeper level. Their physical grooves and the ritual of placing a needle on a spinning disc create a tactile and engaging experience. From classic albums to modern releases, vinyl remains a cherished way to enjoy music.