Fader – Quartz CD


Quartz CD – Fader CD from Vinyl Records London

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Quartzis the third album fromFader, a duo consisting of Neil Arthur and Benge, whose work includes his own solo albums, coproduction with Gazelle Twin and Blancmange, plus being a member of three other critically acclaimed bands Wrangler, Creep Show and John Foxx And The Maths.As with their 2017 debutFirst Light, the music forthe new albumwas recorded and mixed at Benges Memetune Studios while Arthur worked on lyrics,vocals and some additional soundsin his home studio.Quartzis a reflective, elegiac recordthat has the elegance of clockwork and a structure where all the parts fit together in subtle detail. There are references to time but the spiralling melodic patterns that form the basis of the songs paradoxically create a sense of timelessness. Fader CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £10.99

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