Dragonforce – Maximum Overload LP


Maximum Overload LP – Dragonforce LP from Vinyl Records London

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Working with Jens gave us a different perspective on the songs and a different sound dynamic. We always previously recorded in our own studios but recording in Sweden made us focus and maybe drove us harder, Jens certainly did, he doesnt believe in days off said guitar maestro Herman Li.The album title and album cover artwork is inspired by the constant bombardment of information we are subjected to during our daily lives Li added. We were in an airport departure lounge surrounded by TV screens, flight information screens and advertising screens. We then looked around and no one was saying a word, they were all looking at more screens on tablets, laptops and mobile phones, theres no escaping it, its complete information overloadMaximum Overload features a couple of surprises, notably a guest appearance on some of the songs from Triviumrsquos Matt Heafy. Weve always gotten on really well with the Trivium guys and it was great when Matt had a couple of days to spare and agreed to weigh in on some of the songs added Frederic Leclercq.The album also features an all time first for DragonForce…..a cover version nbspSam Totman explained Just before the last Australian tour our manager suggested it might be interesting to do a cover for the next album, something weve always refused even to consider. Because we had all had a couple beers every band member wrote down 3 songs each and we compared them all, just for a laugh. I wrote down Ring Of Fire by Johnny Cash, an idea which the rest of the band loved, so weve DragonForceized it Dragonforce LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £15.17

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