Diablo Swing Orchestra – Swagger & Stroll Down The Rabbit Hole Blue Double-LP


Swagger & Stroll Down The Rabbit Hole Blue Double-LP – Diablo Swing Orchestra Double-LP from Vinyl Records London

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Diablo Swing Orchestra is a Swedish eightpiece ensemble known for pairing elements of jazz, swing, classical, progressive rock with just about everything in between. Since the start in 2003 the band has released four studio albums pushing musical boundaries with humor, creativity and a healthy dose of positive aggression. Their debut The Butchers Ballroom was a breath of fresh air when it came out in 2006 and received quite a buzz which has grown with each new release. The bands fifth effort titled 34Swagger amp Stroll Down the Rabbit Hole34 is by far their most ambitious undertaking and which pays tribute to all four previous releases but also add some new colors to their already broad pallet of sounds. DSO once again teamed up with producer Roberto Laghi In Flames, Hardcore Superstars who has become somewhat of the ninth member of the orchestra.Together they have dug deep into each genre explored on the 13 tracks on the album and worked hard to find the appealing characteristics within that genre and forged it into their own sound. This approach has resulted in a impressive list of guest musicians and some very interesting clashes between sounds which, at least on paper, shouldnt work. But listeners with an open mind will be rewarded since there are a lot of goodies to be found on the album ranging from the tribal assault that is War Painted Valentine to the Zeppelin gospel infused Snake Oil Baptism. The band presents new interesting ways of looking upon rock and metal music while managing to stay quite accessible in spite of the fact theyre often described as avantgarde metal. Diablo Swing Orchestra Double-LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £29.99
