Deaf Havana – All These Countless Nights Deluxe Deluxe-CD


All These Countless Nights Deluxe Deluxe-CD – Deaf Havana Deluxe-CD from Vinyl Records London

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Get the tracks Fever, Sing, St. Paulsnbspand Trigger instantly as free downloads when you preorder.ldquoWersquore going to sing like we mean it, lsquocos I mean it this time,rdquo sings James VeckGilodi on Deaf Havanarsquos earthshakingly awesome new single, Sing. ldquoI know I took you for granted but I hope I can change my mindhelliprdquoSing is the sound of a band channelling three years of frustration into the biggest, boldest statement of their career so far. It takes all of Deaf Havanarsquos traditional qualities ndash soaring melodies, witty lyrics, an uncanny ability to make an emotional connection with rockrsquos heartland audience ndash and bolts on a riff so monstrous you can already hear this summerrsquos festival crowds going crazy for it.That riff ndash which VeckGilodi says came from him subconsciously tapping into his inner Smashing Pumpkin ndash began as a fun doodle in rehearsals. Although the frontman initially thought it was too heavy to ever work in a DH song, he soon realised the band needed to expand its horizons.2013rsquos brilliant Old Souls album had successfully catapulted the band into the UK rock big league. It crashed into the Top 10 of the Albums Chart, earned rave reviews for its bravura songwriting and saw the band sell out ever bigger venues, appear higher up the bill at festivals and even support VeckGilodirsquos hero, Bruce Springsteen.ldquoIt made us feel like a proper band,rdquo says VeckGilodi, after Deaf Havanarsquos many years on the fringes of the scene. ldquoIt stepped away from that emoy world there were a lot more layers to it and the songwriting was much more mature.rdquoBut, behind the scenes, the band were experiencing financial problems and a lack of internal communication that almost broke them.ldquoI was very close to quitting,rdquo says VeckGilodi, who even launched an acoustic solo career in conjunction with multiinstrumentalist Deaf Havana bandmate Max Britton as a backup plan. ldquoBasically, I didnrsquot want to be in the band anymore.rdquoVeckGilodi planned to use the bandrsquos 2014 Reading amp Leeds performance to pay off the bandrsquos debts and act as its swansong. But some sideshows reminded him of how much he ndash and Deaf Havanarsquos stillburgeoning fanbase ndash enjoyed his band. A sudden burst of inspired songwriting followed ndash ldquoItrsquos probably the most creative Irsquove ever been,rdquo he says ndash but these werenrsquot just regular DH songs. Anthems such as Trigger and Seattle demanded that he and his bandmates ndash Britton, bassist Lee Wilson, drummer Tom Ogden and VeckGilodirsquos guitarist brother, Matthew ndash strike out for new sonic territory.The end result, VeckGilodi declares, will be Deaf Havanarsquos most eclectic and expansive album yet. Theyrsquore still putting the finishing touches to album No. 4 but theyrsquove already cleaned house, taking on new management and signing to a new record label So Recordings, and theyrsquore already benefitting from the ldquonew energyrdquo that brings. Theyrsquore communicating better with each other, theyrsquore involved in every aspect of the bandrsquos affairs, and theyrsquore ready for whatever the world of rock wants to throw at themhellipldquoThis album needs to take us to a higher level,rdquo asserts VeckGilodi. ldquoNot necessarily in terms of chart positions, because I donrsquot care about that. I just canrsquot wait for people to hear the album. We appreciate the fact that everyonersquos waited this out with us. Itrsquos going to be great.rdquoBecause, this time around, Deaf Havana donrsquot just mean it, they mean business too. Deaf Havana Deluxe-CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £7.99
