De La Soul – De La Soul Is Dead Double Vinyl + Cassette


De La Soul Is Dead Double Vinyl + Cassette – De La Soul New In Stock from Vinyl Records London

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Despite their rapid success and recognition, De La Soul continued to provethemselves as one of the most original, authentic and creative groups in hiphop,with the release of their sophomore album, De La Soul is Dead on May 14,1991.Featuring once again, the production of visionary producer Prince Paul, theirsecond album further fanned the flames landing on charts around the world,receiving a fivemic rating in The Source and securing Gold status by the RIAA. Tothis day, the project is considered one of the groups best albums to date, havingleft fans with several certified classics like, A Roller Skating Jam NamedSaturdays, Ring, Ring, Ring Ha Ha Hey and Keepin the Faith.Another absolutely essential slice of Hip Hop history that’s been unavailable for some time. De La Soul is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £40 +P&P


A cassette tape is a nostalgic format that continues to hold a special place in music culture. Known for its warm, analogue sound and compact design, cassettes offer a unique listening experience that many audiophiles cherish. Their physical nature and simple playback process—complete with the iconic “tape hiss”—add a layer of authenticity that digital formats can’t replicate.

Cassette tapes also evoke a sense of nostalgia, bringing back memories of mixtapes, car rides, and the early days of music discovery. Collecting cassettes allows music enthusiasts to connect with the past while embracing the charm of a format that was once central to the music industry. Whether you’re seeking vintage classics or exploring modern releases on tape, cassettes remain a beloved part of music history.