Dan Reed – Transmission CD


Transmission CD – Dan Reed CD from Vinyl Records London

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Dan Reed, formerly of Dan Reed Network, DRN is now releasing his third solo album entitled lsquoTransmissionrsquo. This collection of songs was composed and recorded in Prague and takes on a more live feel and energy than his previous two studio releases lsquoSignal Firersquo and lsquoComing Up for Airrsquo. Reed has always had a passion for groups like lsquoBad Companyrsquo, lsquoPink Floydrsquo, and lsquoFleetwood Macrsquo and lsquoTransmissionrsquo takes itrsquos aim at realising this type of in your face, honest rock production. Besides tackling all the vocals, Dan performed all the guitar and keyboard work, performing live in the studio beside famed drummer Robert Ikiz from Istanbul, Turkey and bassist Bengan Jonasson from Stockholm, Sweden. This collection of songs primarily takes a look at the dark side of the human condition and tries to make sense of trying to find light in the midst of the chaos. This is Danrsquos second album financed by lsquoPledge Musicrsquo through those who support his creative endeavours and reached 100 percent of its goal in less than 2 weeks from launching the campaign. Dan Reed CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £11.99

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