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Live At Rockpalast CD/DVD – Chas & Dave CD/DVD from Vinyl Records London
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Restored concert performance On region free NTSC DVD Audio selection of Stereo and 5.1Surround Sound Remastered stereo soundtrack CD 20page booklet with detailed liner notes by author Will Birch. Includes a new interviewwith Chas amp Dave.Chas amp Dave write exceptionally witty songs about London life, performed with a strong affection for all thingsEnglish. They are reminiscent of many of the great Music Hall artists of years past. The musical accompanimentto their sharply observant material is neither rock nor punk, but solid, nononsense RockrsquonrsquoRoll style, which hasbeen their background and inspiration.Here they are on this set presenting their unique lsquoRockneyrsquo brand of music to a German audience. Containslively renditions of their numerous hits lsquoRabbitrsquo, lsquoGertcharsquo, lsquoThe Sideboard Songrsquo, lsquoAinrsquot No Pleasing Yoursquo,lsquoMargatersquo with perennial singalong classics like lsquoRoll Out The Barrelsrsquo.Ths informative booklet, with liner notes byauthor and journalist Will Birch, includes a new interview with Charles Hodges and David Peacock. Chas & Dave CD/DVD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £17.99