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Why You Lacking Energy? CD Signed + FUD x Cassia Drink – Cassia Drink from Vinyl Records London
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lsquoWhy You Lacking Energyrsquo, is the triorsquos vivid second album. From lush, spacious piano ballads to crisp, synthdriven anthems, the selfproduced record digs into the tension in Cassiarsquos music these are songs that feel like living in the moment, but are caught up in thoughts of the past and anxieties for the future. The soaring single lsquoMotionsrsquo ldquofeels like sand slipping through your fingers,rdquo they say, ldquoand that wave of relief when you realise yoursquore not alone.rdquo Empowering for the band as much as their listeners, Cassia make songs that turn fears into fuel.Macclesfields finest, theyre a wonderful band Clara Amfo, BBC Radio 11 Mornings Coming2 Similar3 1618 Why You Lacking Energy4 Motions5 Colossal Happiness6 Seasons explicit7 Boundless8 Dreams of My Past9 Drifting10 Not Enough Time to Think11 Right There12 See MyselfBerry amp CoconutPineapple amp Ginger Cassia Drink is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £9
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