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Mirror Man Sessions Coloured Double Heavyweight-Vinyl – Captain Beefheart Heavyweight-Vinyl from Vinyl Records London
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When Captain Beefheart went into the studio in late 1967 to record the followup to their debut albumnbspSafe as Milknbspwhich had been released earlier that year, it was with the intention of producing a double album. Three of the tracks they recorded were long, psychedelic blues jams. These were intended to fill one of the setrsquos two LPs. This concept, however, was at some point abandoned, and many of the tracks from the sessions were left unfinished and without any vocals. A number of the abandoned tracks were rerecorded in 1968, and released asnbspStrictly Personal. The original session tapes, however, remained the property of Buddha Records, who released them under the titlenbspMirror Mannbspin 1971. In 1999, Buddha Records issued an expanded version of the album entitlednbspThe Mirror Man Sessions, which features five additional tracks taken from the abandoned tapes.Available as a limited edition of 1500 individually numbered copies on crystal clear vinyl. The package includes an insert.bull 180 GRAM AUDIOPHILE VINYLbull INSERTbull THE ORIGINAL ldquoMIRROR MANrdquo ALBUM 5 BONUS OUTTAKES TAKEN FROM THE ABANDONED BROWN WRAPPER SESSIONS ldquoTRUST US TAKE 6rdquo, ldquoSAFE AS MILK TAKE 12rdquo, ldquoBEATLE BONES Nrsquo SMOKINrsquo STONESrdquo, ldquoMOODY LIZ TAKE 8rdquo amp ldquoGIMME DAT HARP BOYrdquobull LIMITED EDITION OF 1500 INDIVIDUALLY NUMBERED COPIES ON CRYSTAL CLEAR VINYL Captain Beefheart Heavyweight-Vinyl is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £26
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