Bryan Ferry – Bitter-Sweet LP


Bitter-Sweet LP – Bryan Ferry LP from Vinyl Records London

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The album, which has been inspired by Bryanrsquos work on the Sky AtlanticNetflix television series lsquoBabylon Berlinrsquo a German period drama based on the books by Volker Kutscher set in the 1920s, takes the musical stylings from that era and puts a new twist on well loved Roxy Music and Bryan Ferry tracks including lsquoWhile My Heart is Still Beatingrsquo, lsquoSign of the Timesrsquo, lsquoBitter Sweetrsquo and lsquoDance Awayrsquo. The record breathes new life into songs that fans have been enjoying for over 20 years. Whereas Ferryrsquos previous album in this genre The Jazz Age consisted of instrumentals, BitterSweet includes 8 vocal tracks.180g black vinyl in a wide spine sleeve with printed inner sleeve, both on uncoated paper with a matte dispersion finish, including 16 page booklet on uncoated offset paper Bryan Ferry LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £25


An LP, or long-playing vinyl record, is a classic format cherished by music enthusiasts for its warm, authentic sound. Typically featuring up to 45 minutes of music split between two sides, LPs are the perfect way to enjoy full albums as the artist intended. Their larger format also allows for striking album artwork, making them as much a visual delight as an auditory one.

LPs have become symbols of a deeper connection to music, offering a tactile and immersive experience. From the ritual of placing the needle to the soft crackle as the music begins, playing an LP is a nostalgic journey that transcends digital convenience. Whether you’re collecting vintage classics or exploring modern releases, LPs remain an iconic choice for any music lover.