Blanket – Modern Escapism Transparent Orange LP


Modern Escapism Transparent Orange LP – Blanket LP from Vinyl Records London

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Blackpool based quartet Blanket are set to release their 2nd fulllength album Modern Escapism on the 10th of September via Music for Nations.Modern Escapism takes the postrock blueprint of the bandrsquos 2018 debut fulllength How To Let Go and infuses it with reverberating waves of shoegaze eclecticism and sudden outbursts of savage metal. The recordrsquos sonic palette takes the ethereal fluidity of Slowdive, the vicious downtuned riffs of Deftones and the epic euphoria of Mogwai and coalesced them together into something far more cohesive. The widescreen, cinematic expanse of Blanketrsquos sound still remains however, and rather than neuter their grand ambitions, these additional elements have simply expanded their aural tools without compromising the grandiose vision that gives Blanket their identity.Modern Escapismrsquos narrative of vicarious modern living is one that we can all relate to.Our increased exposure to modern technology has created a void in our lives, one that we try to fill with online social interactions and voyeuristically peering into the lives of others.Guitarist Simon Morgan elaborates on the albumrsquos themeldquoIts about the obsession that we have with other peoples lives and how thatrsquos pushed down our throats through social media. People document every single facet of their lives and put it up on display in exchange for little dopamine hits when someone likes something or comments on a post. Everyones living such a public life and everyone can see what everyone else is doing all the time hellip its a strange time we live in.rdquoAlongside the announcement of the record, and following first single White Noisersquos delivery of a sledgehammer blow of shoegaze soaked, postmetal intensity, the band will also release a second single, Where The Light Takes Us. The logical follow up, this track sees Blanket stretch their shoegaze sensibilities, whilst engaging numetal like riffs, and progfilled breakdowns to provide a downtempo whack of reverbsoaked heft.To accompany the song is an impressive and imposing music video, shot and edited by the band themselves. It explores the obsession of modern culture with other peoplersquos lives, and the looking glass voyeurism that screens emanate into contemporary culture. Blanket LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £22


An LP, or long-playing vinyl record, is a classic format cherished by music enthusiasts for its warm, authentic sound. Typically featuring up to 45 minutes of music split between two sides, LPs are the perfect way to enjoy full albums as the artist intended. Their larger format also allows for striking album artwork, making them as much a visual delight as an auditory one.

LPs have become symbols of a deeper connection to music, offering a tactile and immersive experience. From the ritual of placing the needle to the soft crackle as the music begins, playing an LP is a nostalgic journey that transcends digital convenience. Whether you’re collecting vintage classics or exploring modern releases, LPs remain an iconic choice for any music lover.

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