Ali Farka Touré – Savane LP


Savane LP – Ali Farka Touré LP from Vinyl Records London

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I know this is my best album ever. It has the most power and is the most different. Ali Farka Toureacute Savane is the last solo album by the legendary Malian singer and guitarist Ali Farka Toureacute. Recorded in Bamako with his specially assembled downhome ngoni group, Savane is Alis testament, a powerful reaffirmation of his umbilical link to his Malian musical roots. Acclaimed as his finest album, Savane is both one of the most traditional and seemingly the most bluesdrenched of Alis recordings. The record occupied Ali right into his last weeks, and he finally declared himself satisfied with it shortly before his death in March 2006. Ali Farka Touré LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £24.99

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