Al Di Meola – Opus CD


Opus CD – Al Di Meola CD from Vinyl Records London

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With a curriculum vitae rich of exciting musical moments and incredible works,Al Di Meola is still challenging himself and his music but with a more relaxedway to see things. Over the last few years he has literally started all over,reinventing himself in both, his private life and music, and his brand new studioalbum ldquoOPUSrdquo truly reflects all of this. ldquoWith OPUS I wanted to further mycompositional skills as I think that the evolution of this part of my persona haslabelled me more composerguitarist than guitaristcomposerrdquo, says Al. ldquoAt thesame time this record also marks a new era in my life. For the first time in mylife, I have written music being happy, Irsquom in a wonderful relationship with mywife, I have a baby girl and a beautiful family that inspires me every day. Ibelieve it shows in the music.rdquo Al Di Meola CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £10.99


A CD, or compact disc, is a versatile format that delivers high-quality digital sound in a compact and durable design. Known for its clarity and studio-quality audio, the CD has been a cornerstone of music collections for decades. Its robust nature makes it an excellent option for preserving your favourite albums or exploring new genres in pristine sound quality.

Perfect for collectors and audiophiles alike, CDs offer a tangible connection to music in an era dominated by streaming. They combine portability with a sense of permanence, allowing you to enjoy your favourite tracks without relying on an internet connection. Whether expanding your music library or rediscovering classic albums, the compact disc remains a timeless choice.