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Hellfire Translucent Red Double-LP – 1349 Double-LP from Vinyl Records London
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1349 rose from the ashes of Alvheim in 1997, counting Ravn vocals amp drums, Tjalve guitars, Seidemann bass and Balfori guitars. Balfori quit shortly after due to musical divergence.In early 03999 the band found Archaon whose speed and technique took their music to a new level of intensity and brutality.Come spring 2000, 1349 decided to record a new promo showcasing the new material, and Frost of Satyricon was asked to lay down the drum tracks to get the speed required.Holycaust Records offered them a deal and released the new promo as an eponymous MCD. By early 2001, the band felt they had enough killer songs for a fulllength album Liberation.Hearing this material, Frost was so impressed that he asked to join and became a permanent member of the band.Recorded and mixed at Gordon Studios, Liberation blended old school soundscapes with warpspeed hysteria. 1349 signed with Candlelight Records in 2003 and released their debut fulllength album in April 2003, then marched unstoppably forwards with the following releases Beyond the Apocalypse in 2004 and Hellfire in 2005. 1349 Double-LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £19.99
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