The Futureheads – Powers LP


Powers LP – The Futureheads LP from Vinyl Records London

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The Futureheads are delighted to announce that ‘Powers’, their sixth studio album and their first electric guitar release in almost a decade, will be released on 30th August. Recorded and selfproduced at Newcastles First Avenue Studio, Powers is a record that looks at the balance of power in a personal, political and relational sense’ and puts it to some of the most vital, invigorated material the band have made since their first steps.Returning with ‘Powers’, the band’s aim is one of forward motion not nostalgia though the quartet could probably rely on the successes of old to push them through the next couple of festival seasons, that isnt ndash and hasnt ever ndash been the point. ‘Obviously it’s an absolute privilege to come back and still have fans and that’s something to cherish,’ Ross says, ‘but I also think we’ve got a bit of a job to do about letting people know that there’s more to this band than you might have thought.’ Its a risky statement, but one thats confirmed immediately once you press play. Across the album, the band push further, melodically and lyrically, than ever before theres no safety net here, but a band putting everything out there and driving it to the wire again. ‘I love the thing Bowie said about how an artist should be slightly out of their depth because thats when you get the good stuff,’ Barry affirms. ‘Or as David Lynch says, If you want to catch the big fish, youve got to go deep.’ The Futureheads LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £15

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