Suicidal Tendencies – Still Cyco Punk After All These Years LP


Still Cyco Punk After All These Years LP – Suicidal Tendencies LP from Vinyl Records London

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In the early 80rsquos when Suicidal Tendencies started, punk rock was not very welcoming to ldquonew ideasrdquo, especially from a new crew that were obviously not worried about fitting in. But SxTx wasnrsquot there to be ldquoacceptedrdquo and not only played their own STyle of Cyco Punk, but reinvented the DYI attitude to a level never seen before with their distinctive look and sound. For 35 years ST hasnrsquot worried about what other bands or people were or werenrsquot doing. About what was cool or trendy at the time. They didnrsquot ask for permission, nor did they care who it offended. They did what they wanted, but most importantly for the right reason, cause itrsquos what they felt, not cause they wanted to be liked. That didnrsquot make things easy. They were banned in L.A., Police riots and harassed by various Authorities and even the Secret Service got into the act, dropping in and paying singer Mike Muir a visit. Soon after the PMRC got into the act. As would many others, but the music played on, and ST became the soundtrack to an army of Cycorsquos Worldwidehellipto Punx, Thrashers, Metallers, Skaters, Surfers, Moto and other extreme athletes all found motivation in the ST sound to stand on their own and blaze their own trail. Cyco Punk Lives on Therersquos no time machine to go back and thank goodness for that. This will be a full on Cyco Punk record taken to a whole new level with the legendary drummer Dave Lombardo brutally beating the songs and sound that is made to get your Slam On Suicidal Tendencies LP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £20

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