Trio Da Kali & Kronos Quartet – Ladilikan CD


Ladilikan CD – Trio Da Kali & Kronos Quartet CD from Vinyl Records London

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You take a trio of the finest traditional griot musicians from Mali and put them in the studio with a revolutionary Western string quartet and the outcome is one of the most unusual and rewarding musical collaborations you are ever likely to encounter. Trio Da Kali and the Kronos Quartet have created an album that is rich in teture, hauntingly melodic and strikingly inventive as violins, viola and cello combine with balafon, ngoni and the powerful female voice of Hawa Kasseacute Mady Diabateacute in transcendental style. David Harrington, who founded the Kronos Quartet in 1973, describes the album as one of the most beautiful Kronos has done in forty years. Trio Da Kali & Kronos Quartet CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £9.99

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