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Live At Montreux 1991 CD/DVD – The Moody Blues CD/DVD from Vinyl Records London
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Stemming from the original British invasion of Supergroups, The Moody Blues have distinguished themselves as an integral and trailblazing part of rock music for over five decades. This deluxe CDDVD edition of Live At Montreux 1991 captures the only Montreux appearance of the British rock band. With a line up including John Lodge, Justin Hayward, Ray Thomas and Graeme Edge they made it a very special night featuring inspired performances of classics such as lsquoGemini Dreamrsquo, lsquoQuestionrsquo, lsquoIsnrsquot Life Strangersquo, lsquoIrsquom Just A Singer In A Rock And Roll Bandrsquo, lsquoYour Wildest Dreamsrsquo and of course lsquoNights In White Satinrsquo. This is pure Moody Blues magic. The Moody Blues CD/DVD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £12.99
£8.90 £6.90